Jack B. Yeats, "Queen Maeve Walked Upon This Strand"

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Blog Post Two

Hi everyone:

For this post, I'd like you to choose ONE of these prompts.

* Choose a passage from The Aran Islands in which Synge makes the transition from pure description to interpretation. Try to figure out how he does it--where is the transition? What is he arguing through his interpretation? How subtle or obvious is it? Is it effective? Convincing? Think about how you might imitate his stylistic choices as you write your own place descriptions.

* Discuss where you are in your own writing process for the next assignment. Where are the major hurdles or challenges? (Or what's fun about it?) What questions do you have about your piece? What have you discovered so far? Feel free to share sample sentences or paragraphs, and remember that your classmates will be reading and responding.

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