Jack B. Yeats, "Queen Maeve Walked Upon This Strand"

Thursday, February 4, 2010


For the second essay, I chose to write about the Ugg Boot fad and basically why it hasn't disappeared. For me my obsession with Uggs started in high school, I got a pair for Christmas and they have been my one and only pair since then. However, I know many girls who have them in every color, height, etc. If you really think about it, they really aren't that attractive, they're usually incredibly dirty, they have absolutely no traction in the snow, and they cost over $100 dollars. So why does literally every other girl have pair? Is it for warmth, comfort, or for a way to fit in? I know that Ugg boots are stereotyped to belong in Sororities and worn with black leggings and a black Northface, however, that really is not the case. I know many girls who aren't in sororities that have them, I've seen fake Uggs, or "Fuggs" as they are called, which is basically the same boot without the label. Personally for me, Uggs used to be cool, but now I hate when everyone looks/dresses the same. Too conformist for me. I just like them because they keep my feet warm.

I feel like its important to find the reason behind wearing Uggs to write this paper, but it seems that its going to be difficult to find differing views and not to satirize it too much. Although they seem to imply that specific type of girl or a specific type of personality wears Uggs, its not really the case. I don't really know if I should like ask girls why they wear Uggs because I feel like I'm either going to get a lot of dirty looks, blank stares, or an "I don't know because I like them" response. Would it be better to just observe a few girls who wear them?

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