Jack B. Yeats, "Queen Maeve Walked Upon This Strand"

Thursday, February 4, 2010

North Campus.

So, i just came back from "exploring" North Campus no more than an hour ago. Initially, of course I was glad I was not living there, though I began to realize how quiet and peaceful it seemed. Despite getting lost and disoriented for a few minutes after stepping off the bus, i found my way to the Pierpont commons, which was just as artificially lit as the downstairs area of the Union. 
I am going about this essay by describing my trip up to north campus as a mystical journey to an unknown land.... so to speak, because realistically, north campus is not so much of an exotic place. The basis of my paper is going to be me describing and analyzing waiting at the bus station, the bus ride, and lastly getting off the bus and immersing myself in a "culture" so very new to me. I feel this will be fun to write because in a general sense is it very similar to Synge's experience of exploring a new land. 
I noticed that in the midst of the whole process of making my way up to North Campus, i saw many people sitting alone, walking alone and enjoying themselves. They seemed more tame, calm and a little more collected than people i see running out of mojo, or around Markley. Is it a ridiculous stretch to say those north campus-ers are more cultured? 
My trouble is that i am not really sure how far is too far, and if i am being satirical without really even realizing it. Also, i have only heard people say that, "Oh, it's alright" about living up on North campus. So, it think it's going to be just my insight and that could go in a very interesting direction.... we'll see. 
Any thoughts? 

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