Jack B. Yeats, "Queen Maeve Walked Upon This Strand"

Friday, February 5, 2010


Brainstorming for this next piece has been very intangible for me so far. I've been going out of my way to use the diag more than I usually would. I've been trying to look at it both as a whole and by examining individuals and small groups of people.

Lately, it's been pretty cold, so there are mostly just people with their heads down walking as fast as they can against the wind. It's interesting when a huge amount of traffic comes seemingly out of nowhere from one direction.

I also have noticed the people that recognize familiar faces and stop to talk and catch up with their friends. There are also people on the opposite end of the spectrum that are rude or just in a hurry and cut people off or are annoyed of the crowd.

One problem I think I'll face when writing is trying use my memory in an unbiased way, especially of what the diag is like in warmer months. It's really a different place now as compared to how it is during other times of the year, so I think that will be a challenge.

1 comment:

  1. Tory,
    One thing that doesn't change, no matter the season, is freshmen avoiding the M. It's always funny to see a group of friends separate at the M, or those who feel Jumping and stomping on it necessary. That could be something interesting to write about....
