Jack B. Yeats, "Queen Maeve Walked Upon This Strand"

Thursday, March 18, 2010

After determining that Saint Patrick's Day is little more than an excuse to get drunk before noon and remain that way until March 18, yesterday's festivities weren't as fun as I had expected them to be. Don't get me wrong. I like drinking myself into a colma at 9am as much as the next person, but it just seemed so artificial after our discussion. I tried to give the campus traditions a chance as I walked by the State Street frat houses, but the commotion just wasn't something I could get into. Instead, I worked out in an eerily empty CCRB and watched a girl dressed in green stare at her table in Mojo table before falling asleep, right there in the middle of the dining hall.

To kind of go off what has been said by other people, though, I admired the sense of unity felt on campus yesterday. Even if it was achieved through chugging green beer before pm classes and wearing ridiculous clothing, everyone was thinking about and celebrating the same thing. It may be true that no one knows exactly what it is they're celebrating, but maybe that's far from the actual point. We might just need celebrate for the sake of celebration, for everyone to be happy and carefree for an entire day. It seems like a shame that we can't be as blissful on any other weekday without appearing irresponsible and out of control, but at least there's March 17.

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